New post on lolcow shows

I watched lolcow milkers today. Savage was supposed to call Roxy out for being 2 faced. The show started off with savage making a scene about Roxy turning tail on her. Savage then brings on Psycho Mom and Roxy. Roxy went into her usual rant saying that she was in Savages corner but Psycho Mom witnessed everything and stuck up to Savage. Roxy then threatened Psycho Mom saying that snitches get stitches. Michael came in and made it aware that Roxy will be doing a punishment but it’s unknown if what that punishment will be. Those three ladies ended up getting a crown on the show which is $500.

Lolcow Live was actually a good show for a change. Wings of redemption got banned from going to fat camp because he had a crash out in the discord and held it hostage, he then threatened numerous people with saying that he would be packing or would run over them with his truck. He made some mods lose their roles and banned people from the discord. Lolcow Live then had a guest who spoke to the cast about Creator Clash 3, and some boxing.

Lolcow Queens was actually a good show also for a change, the only thing that they did was punish Becky. Boop with doing jumping jacks for each donation that came in. This punishment was given by Tina D. because of the crown that they received the previous night and the payer said that Tina D. had to give Becky the punishment. Michael,(kidbrhindacamera) also made a couple appearances but would leave so that the girls would carry the show without him being there.

Lolcow Tech Talk was from the previous night and it wasn’t much of a show. David Jaffe high jacked the show and changed the password so no one could get on the show other than popping in. Keemstar got upset and said that he was holding someone else responsible for Jaffe taking over and changing passwords so the other host Jay couldn’t get on. David then wined, moped, and got drunk due to Tina D. not wanting to be with him. He said that he had a great show lined up but all he had was videos about a broken heart and a song that he made through AI about Tina D. He was also drunk on stream and vomited quite often. David was only live for 45 minutes and then shut the stream down so he could go to bed.

Lolcow Rewind. I really have nothing to say about this show, it’s Billy the Fridge and Xylie Gets Real hosting the show. They did talk about Lolcow Aussy and Rastov crashing out but I couldn’t understand what Radtov crashed out about.

Please stay tuned and also go to my YouTube channel for videos and I will be posting videos there about the shows and I will also go live and do podcasts through my discord server, I will post a link in my bio for my discord.